Dual Purpose Vessels
Dual Purpose Vessels

The vessel characteristics that make cylindro-conicals so suitable for fermenting vessels also make them ideal for conditioning tanks. This has led to the installation of dual-purpose vessels where primary fermentation and conditioning are carried out in the same vessel. Dual-purpose vessels have cooling jackets located high in the vessel for fermentation and low in the vessel for conditioning. Other differences are that conditioning tanks are normally required to be top-pressured to maintain carbonation levels, which is not required in fermenters. Our DPVs are produced using stainless steel AISI 304 / 1.4301.

Please contact us if you are interested in our DPVs.


Dual Purpose Vessels

The vessel characteristics that make cylindro-conicals so suitable for fermenting vessels also make them ideal for conditioning tanks. This has led to the installation of dual-purpose vessels where primary fermentation and conditioning are carried out in the same vessel. Dual-purpose vessels have cooling jackets located high in the vessel for fermentation and low in the vessel for conditioning. Other differences are that conditioning tanks are normally required to be top-pressured to maintain carbonation levels, which is not required in fermenters. Our DPVs are produced using stainless steel AISI 304 / 1.4301.

Please contact us if you are interested in our DPVs.

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